My Reading list
wondering if your relationship with food, your body, your weight or your physical activity has gone askew?
Start here with some of these great reads! I recommend almost all of these at some point when working with my clients.

Intuitive Eating
For me, this book is where it all started. This book is where I truly began to learning how to guide my clients towards a healthier relationship with food and their bodies. This is where I stopped tracking BMIs for most of my clients (and that’s a big deal for dietitians). This book even helped me heal some of my own relationship with food- yes, even I have struggled with the labels of good/bad foods we see EVERYWHERE!

Health at Every Size
Have you ever been told that you should lose a few (or more) pounds by a loved one, a medical practitioner or your own self? This book may help you navigate some of those comments- and maybe even come up with a great retort. As a practitioner, I tried to embody the HAES approach with all of my clients and refer to physicians who also are aligned with this approach to weight.

Are you beginning to get angry after your 800th failed diet? Have you thought about how much money you’ve given to the weight-loss industry? You’re not the problem- the diet culture we live in is. This is a great read that will leave you shaking an angry fist at the diet industry!

The Body is Not an Apology
Have you felt that your body doesn’t look the bodies that you see on TV, on social media, etc? Are you constantly striving to get your body to look like them? This book gives an in-depth look at the “default” body type and how it can hold us all back.