It’s that time of the year!

So, I will admit that the original title of this post was going to be “I might scream… if I hear one more weight-loss/diet-related New Year’s Resolution comment.”   Then I thought better of it, reminded myself that “to each his own” and decided instead to take a hopefully more positive approach.

Don’t get me wrong. I love New Years as a time of reflection, looking towards the future, setting goals, etc. So much so, that a few years ago my husband and I started having similar conversations every six months and then every three months. Now, we have these talks pretty much every month and I must say that I look forward to them. They seem to reenergize us.

That being said, about a month ago, I was reminded by several of my clients that New Years goals are often food- or body-focused. One person is cutting out gluten or someone else plans to lose xx number of pounds by June or someone else wants to stop snacking. And I’ve been there myself. It didn’t have to be New Years for me to be trying some new “plan” where I would cut out food xxx. Where did it get me? Nowhere- probably eating food xxx a few weeks later and wondering why I hadn’t been able to stick to my New Years resolution.

So here’s my two cents. Let’s start the year off on a positive note! My friend JJ Briggs (who is also a dietitian- @eatandascend) tells her clients to not set goals focusing on what they are taking away, but instead on what they will be adding. I love this approach! So instead of focusing this new year on what food we want to cut out or how many pounds we want to lose, let’s focus on what we want to add to our life. Do you want to read more? I do. Spend more time taking your kids on adventures? Sure!  Do you want to have more desserts? Who doesn’t?! Do you want to take your career to the next level? Great! Let’s do it.